Saturday, 3 September 2016

Making mistakes?

Hi? I guess?

I don't know why I'm making a blog post right now but lots of things are just bubbling up inside of me. Let's just say I'm not in a great mood.

Do you ever find that you think you're making a joke but in actual fact you've really offended someone that you never wanted to hurt? Because I do. The last thing I want in the entire world is for someone to not like me or think that I'm a mean person and it breaks my heart when I think I've made someone feel that way. But I think we just have to live with the consequences of what we do and maybe just tell ourselves that we can't be perfect all of the time. I wish I could tell this person what I'm feeling but to them this probably isn't a big deal and they'll think that I'm over-reacting.

I just feel like I need to be inspired and uplifted.

Girl Online

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I think it is fine not to be perfect all the time. You clearly didn't mean to hurt the person but it happened. It is okay. And it is also okay to be human and make mistakes. :)
